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Astronomy Calendar 2019

A variety of stunning events are waiting for sky gazers in 2019. Solar eclipse, Lunar eclipse, Different meteor shows, and Mercury transits are some of them.

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This year is starting with the quadrants meteor shower. This meteor shower will reach its peak in January 3rd and 4th. During this time an average of 40 meteors per hour. This meteor shower happens when the earth passes through the left behind by the comet 2003 EHI and some asteroids.

2019’s first new moon is on 6th January. On January 21st the first full moon will appear on the sky and this will be a super moon. The supermoon happens during the full moon day when the moon is closer to earth than other times. The full moon will be slightly bigger than the usual full moon.


The second supermoon of the year will happen on February 19th. There are three supermoons will happen this year.

There is a golden chance to observe the planet Mercury after the sunset on February 27th. The planet will be at its greatest western elongation. The planet will be 12o above the western horizon.


The month is starting with a full moon on the 2nd march. On 21st of the month, the March equinox will happen it is also known as vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere.

On March 31st a blue moon will happen. A blue moon is the second full moon of the month.

April and May 

During April month’s night, we can observe the Jupiter along with the moon.  And on April 22nd and 23rd, the Lyrid meteor shower will come to its peak during this time we can observe an average of 20 meteors per hour.

ETA Aquarids meteor shower is the major sky events in May. On May 6th and 7th, the meteor shower will be at its peak.


 The planet Jupiter is at its maximum brightness during June. On June solstices are on 21st, On this day the northern hemisphere will be tilted towards the sun and result in the longest day in the northern hemisphere.


July is a month for eclipse a solar eclipse and a partial lunar eclipse will happen during this month in 2019.

On July 13th a partial solar eclipse will happen. A small part of the eclipse will be visible from Australia and the major part of the eclipse will be visible from the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

A partial lunar eclipse will happen on July 16th, 2019. This will be visible from India and most of the south Asian countries.


The planet Mercury will be visible before sunrise. And the most important sky event this month is the Perseid meteor shower.

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Perseid meteor shower is an above average meteor shower. This will get its peak on August 12th and 13th during this time an average of 60 meteors will be visible in the night sky.


This is the best time to observe the planet Neptune it will be at its closest approach to earth. On September 9th the planet will be at its closest distance to earth.

On September 23rd the September equinox ill happen. During this time an equal day and night will happen.


The Green planet Uranus will be at its closest approach toward the earth on October 27th. During this month, the planet will be brighter than any other time in the year.


The most awaited mercury transit will happen on November 11th. This transits will be visible from America, Africa, and Europe. The next mercury will happen in 2032.


A solar eclipse is the major sky event in December. This solar eclipse will happen in December 26th and this will be visible from India and most part of Asia. During this, this time moon will be at its greatest distance from the earth so during an eclipse it will look like a shining ring.

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