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Get Ready for Perseid Meteor Shower 2018

Do you ever see a shooting star in the sky? This August will give you a golden opportunity to explore the beauty of a meteor shower.

Let’s get ready for the firework in the August sky. The Perseid meteor shower will be at its peak on August 12 and 13th. Perseids meteor shower is visible throughout the August sky, it feels like the meteors are coming from the constellation Perseid.

Perseids meteor shower is occurring due to the earth’s passing through the debris left by the comet 109P/Swift–Tuttle, which come every 133 years.

The Perseids meteor shower is visible from mid-July to the last week of August but the peak of the shower is between August 9th to 14th. In India, the peak shower will be visible after midnight of August 12th and 13th. The constellation perseids will rise up at 12.30 pm.

It is expecting that approximately more than 100 meteors per hour will be visible during the peak of the shower. 

The meteor shower and the constellation is visible in the northeastern sky. For watching this beautiful sky event you need only your naked eyes, You don’t need of any kind of observational gadgets like telescope or binoculars.

The Perseid shower is happening due to the left behind the debris of a comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle in the orbit of the earth. Earth will pass through this debris once a year and the meteor shower is visible in the night sky.

The comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle come every 133 years. It is a Halley type comet which has a regular orbit and it will come after a particular period of time. It was discovered on July 16, 1862. The comet was last time spotted on 1992 and it will return and again visible from earth on 2126.

Attribution for the image: By ESO/S. Guisard - http://www.eso.org/public/images/potw1033a/, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=11212868

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